this could be serious at times.u should not delay to meet your...
6 months ago
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please visit your nearby ENT Dr
please visit your nearby ENT dr.endoscopic evaluation is needed in...
please do a latest thyroid function test and visit nearby...
PTA along with Tympanogram can give diagnosis. If Sensoroneural...
7 months ago
Asked by बिष्णु प्रसाद अधिकारी
on 25/6/21
डक्टर साब मेरो छातीको बिच भागमा ३ साल अगाडी छाम्दा एउटा सानो डल्लो बस्तु थियो। र आज ३ साल पछि त्यो डल्लो ठुलो गुच्चा जत्रो भएको बाहिरैबाट देख्न सकिन्छ। यो के होला? यस्ले केही असर गर्छ कि गर्दैन...
Asked by Anonymous User
on 6/6/21
I was tested Covid Positive and I have been in home isolation for 22 days and took a retest in 23rd day. I am tested positive again. What should I do? Do I need to continue isolation? or...
Asked by Hari bhakta bhandari
on 1/6/21
Hi doc Iam from chitwan and I am suffering form covid so now 22 days complete in my first RT.PCR and yesterday I've given for the test unfortunately again report is positive but my health...
Asked by Devi Gurung
on 19/5/21
I have been coughing continuously for the past month.
Asked by vishesh pokharel
on 13/5/21
mega cv kati bela line
Asked by Niraj Kumar Dhungana ,51 years
सर,मैले बैशाख १३ गते भेरोसिल खोप पहिलो डोज लिएको,बैशाख १६ गते लक्षण देखिएकोमा १८ गते परिक्षण गराउंदा मलाई कोरोना पोजिटिभ देखियो| आज 30 गते लक्षण देखिएको मितिले १५ दिन भयो| अब दोश्रो डोज खोपको...
How can i care covid patient whose spo2 is about 92.? At he as i cant find any bed and oxygen cylinder.
Asked by Rakesh Prasad Koirala
on 12/5/21
I had taken my first dose of Covoshield vaccine on 5 Falgun 2077. During my second dose time on 10 Baisakh 2078, I was suffering from Corona virus. I am negative now. When is ideal time for my...
Asked by sunder
on 5/5/21
hello my mom got +ve. Her age is 52 and she had blood pressure. Symptoms-1.lost of taste and smell 2. Dry cough and chest pain while coughing. 3. she had loose motion and vomiting. Now that was...
Hello ahile ko corona positive bekti ko laagi kunai ayurvedic medicine haru dina milxa especially to boost immunity power rw arko lungs ko laagi corona le lungs lai prabhab paarne va karanle lungs...
Lower back pain is one of the most common disorders encountered throughout the...
Over the years, the healthcare pattern around the world has emerged and directed...
High blood pressure has become a common disease all over the world....
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