Dose Type
Prodoxime 200 is the brand name for the cefpodoxime 200mg belonging to the class cephalosporin of antibiotics. It is used for the treatment of various bacterial infections like bronchitis, pneumonia, and infections in ear, skin, sinuses, throat,etc.
Therapeutic Class
Dose and Direction of Use
- Swallow the whole tablet without breaking or chewing or crushing the tablet.
- Follow the dose and duration of medication as per the prescription.
- Take the medication after food with plenty of water.
Mode of Action
The bactericidal activity of cefpodoxime results from its inhibition of cell wall synthesis. The active metabolite of cefpodoxime binds preferentially to penicillin binding protein, which inhibits production of peptidoglycan, the primary constituent of bacterial cell walls.
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
- Infection in ear, throat, skin and sinus
- Abnormal liver function tests
- Hypersensitivity to any ingredients of the product
Precautions and Warning
- Consult with docor about your health issues prior starting the medication.
- Follow the dose and duration of the medication strictly as per the prescription.
- Do not skip the medication o overdose the medication.
- Do not start or stop taking medication randomly.
- If any hypersensitive reaction occurs, consult with doctor immediately.
- Take the medication with caution for pregnancy and lactating women.