What is “social distancing” for preventing Coronavirus disease?  

Health Tips   HD Medical team  on Mon, Mar 16 2020 04:39 PM 2614 Views 0 Comments No recommendations yet !!!

Social distancing is a practice of reducing close contact between people to slow the spread of any infectious disease. It’s been good way of preventing from the Coronavirus disease, COVID-19 which is being spread all over the world as pandemic. 

It includes the measures like limiting the large groups of people coming together, closing buildings and cancelling the events that will probably provoke the spread of disease. It has been said that approximately 6 feets of distance from the people is good enough for social distancing. Travel distance also should be maintained.

What to avoid in social distancing?

Please try to avoid the following circumstances as much as you can if you are practicing the social distancing for prevention of COVID-19.

  • Close contact with the groups of people
  • Handshake or hugs with people
  • Group gatherings
  • Concerts
  • Theatre outings
  • Athletic events
  • Crowded retail stores
  • Malls
  • Workouts in gym
  • Visitors in your house
  • Non essential workers in your house
  • Mass transit systems

Image source: www.10tv.com

When to be caution during the “social distancing”?

Please be caution during the following activities:

  • Visit a local restaurant
  • Visit grocery store
  • Pick up medications
  • Play tennis in park
  • Visiting the library
  • Church, temples or other religious gatherings
  • Travelling

What is safe to do in “social distancing”?

You can do following activities during your measures of social distancing:

  • Play in your yard
  • Clean out your house
  • Read a good book
  • Listen to music
  • Cook a meal
  • Go for drive but not in crowded places
  • Group video chats
  • Go for favorite show or movies in internet 

The practice of social distancing is only beneficial if you practice regular handwashing, personal hygiene measures and avoiding touching your face and nose with your hands.

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