How to self quarantine for preventing spread of COVID-19?  

Health Tips   HD Medical team  on Thu, Mar 12 2020 02:36 PM 3032 Views 0 Comments No recommendations yet !!!

COVID-19 has now been declared “global pandemic” by World Health Organization as it got spread rapidly over the Europe and USA in the recent days. Many of the countries of Europe including Italy, France, Germany, Denmark and so on had declared the emergency and some of them also had locked down their cities. Though it’s in the verge of control in its origin Mainland China, its rapid spread on the Western countries has evolved it as a global threat.

World Health Organization and the respective governments of the countries have called off for “self quarantine” to all the susceptible citizens of the country. Here we will discuss few things we all need to know what the self quarantine is and what rules you need to follow.

What is self quarantine?

It is the method of self restriction of persons’ activities when they are not ill with COVID-19 for the purpose of protecting unexposed members of the communities from contracting the disease should any at risk traveler become sick.

It is important for the person who has been in contact with the person who has symptoms of COVID-19 or is suffering from the disease or has travelled from the countries which high burden of COVID-19. It is vital in preventing the spread of the disease in the community.

Who should get self quarantined?

  • Travelers from the countries with high transmission of COVID-19
  • Any person who has been in close contact with the person having confirmed COVID-19 needs quarantined for 14 days in minimum

Image source: CDC

What should you do for effective self quarantine?

Please follow the following precautions strictly while you are in self quarantine.

  • You need to stay in a well ventilated room away from the family members with preferably separate hygiene and toilet facilities.
  • Take adequate food, water, hygiene provisions and appropriate medical treatment for existing conditions while in self quarantine.
  • Always wash your hand with soap or water or use alcohol based hand rub.
  • Cover your nose and mouth with handkerchief or tissue while coughing or sneezing. Dispose the tissue paper you use or burn it. The handkerchief also need to be washed properly and preferably ironed after a day of use.
  • Stay away from pets
  • Avoid sharing tooth brushes, utensils, dishes, drinks, towel, clothes and other personal belongings.
  • Clean and disinfect the frequently touched surfaces like; door knobs, handles, bedside tables, bed frames and other furniture daily with proper household disinfectant
  • If you develop symptoms of acute respiratory infections including fever, cough, sore throat and difficulty in respiration immediately call the nearby health facilities or the concerned authorities.

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