Asked by Shiwansi kushwaha

11 months ago

I have a daughter of 4.5 years and ID is created for my daughter. Her platelet count was 96000 on magh 6 th and was decreased again to 66000 on magh 20. Again after days on magh 23 her platelet count drop to 55000. Then we had started follow up in balmaitri there check on magh 24 plate drops to 43000 then doctor suggested to admit will see bone marrow report and start the medicine we had admitted and test bone marrow after taking discharge from hospital it was raised to 86000 and again check after 2 days was dropped to 62000. After taking medicine for 14 days platelet level came upto 2.57 lakhs again medicine was dropped for 7 days. With finished of medicine plate count dropi upto 1.12 lakhs. Again doctor suggested to check after 1 weeks. I want take suggestions from another doctor is it okay or need to worry.

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