Asked by Anonymous User
on 3/10/19
how to care burning and painful feet?
Asked by Anonymous User
on 3/10/19
how to care burning and painful feet?
Neurology (MBBS, MD, DM), 14 Years of practice
खुट्टा पोल्ने धेरै कारणले गर्दा हुन्छ। जसमा diabetes चिनी रोग प्रमुख मानिन्छ।त्यस बाहेक thyroid थाइरोइड रोग, भिटामिनहरुको कमि, रक्सी सेवन, र अरु थुप्रै कारणहरु हुन सक्छन। कहिले कहि burning feet syndrome पनि हुन सक्छ। तपाईं एक चोटि न्युरोलोजिस्टसङ परामर्श लिनुहोस।
There are various causes of painful and burning feet. You need to do various examinations and test to rule out that and also need to know the other associated symptoms and its duration. Please visit nearby hospital for the further opinion.
Asked by Anonymous User
2 days, 14 hours ago