Asked by बिक्रम थापा ,6 years
on 29/7/18
Hello. I am bikram from Nepal. I am 22 year old. And my body weight is 73kg and of 5:11feet tall. My blood pressure is 146/98 mm of Hg. Please suggest me and help me fast
Asked by बिक्रम थापा ,6 years
on 29/7/18
Hello. I am bikram from Nepal. I am 22 year old. And my body weight is 73kg and of 5:11feet tall. My blood pressure is 146/98 mm of Hg. Please suggest me and help me fast
As said by Dr. Apil, there are various risk factors involved in increase in blood pressure and a single reading of a blood pressure can't be used as the criteria of intervention. Since its more than the baseline value for your age, please monitor your blood pressure for a certain period of time and make a daily charting of it. Change your lifestyle, quit smoking and alcohol if you do so, lower your salt intake and keep doing exercise. If it doesn't fall even after then, consult a physician for further intervention or starting antihypertensives.
Internal Medicine
To help you fast, you should drop your whatsapp/viber number so that more questions can be asked to you immediately for better answers. Since this platform does not allow real time notification as of now , I am not sure when will you get this message and when will I check this page again. Hope colleagues working on making the real time notification would settle the issue and we can communicate faster . This much of BP at this age is concerning and the concern is valid. But you should mention other aspects of your life like whether you smoke and /or drink or not . And how long have you known to have high BP and whether it has always been this level or was it different at other times and what your typical dietary intake and spectrum of physical activity would be like . Since those could be quickly asked to you over phone/applications over Internet rather than spending longer time in texting , I hope you would drop a way to contact you. Sincerely, Apil
Asked by Lok Bahadur Kunwar
4 days, 12 hours ago